One-Step heavy material collection (一段重素材集) 一段重素材集

Content ID:1888414

  • 76
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Lacquered boxes called jubako in japan.
Osechi is a Japanese traditional New Year’s dish.
Lacquered boxes called jubako in japan.
Osechi is a Japanese traditional New Year’s dish.

One step heavier (3D Object) and illustrations and brushes that can be used for osechi dishes
Nest internal dividers are two split, six split, three types of nine divisions
I think that it can be used for the lunch of the excursion such as the Cherry Blossom Festival and the athletic Day not only the new Year
Some side of the box may appear black
When you display parallel light 2, you can see the picture.


3D Object 3Dオブジェクト

Osechi Cooking illustrations, brushes おせち料理イラスト、ブラシ

Update history

One step more, because there was a deficiency, such as the pattern of the lid is shifted part was corrected 一段重、フタの絵柄が一部ズレている等の不備がありましたので修正しました

Content ID:1888414

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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こんにちは雀の槍です   ブラシはカラー(350dpi)、グレーモード(600dpi)でだいたい作成しています。3D素材も少しだけ作っています ツイッターはHNじょいふるでやっています、落書きやイラストをたまに上げてます