Scratch art Texture 4 species (スクラッチアートテクスチャ4種) スクラッチアートテクスチャ4種

Content ID:1880414

  • 22

It is a colorful texture that seems to be usable for scratch art. スクラッチアートに使えそうなカラフルなテクスチャです。

Scratch Art Texture 01

Scratch Art Texture 02

Scratch Art Texture 03

Scratch Art Texture 04

Example of Use
I created a texture on the canvas, fill the layer above in black, and sharpened the transparent color with a brush.
There are other ways to use layer mask.





Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1880414

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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