Wart Brush Set (イボイボブラシセット) イボイボブラシセット

Content ID:1878030

  • 1,501
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a set of brushes to be able to draw warts in three kinds of design (line drawing, anime paint, blur coating). It also has a gradient map for coloring. 3種類の絵柄(線画・アニメ塗り・ぼかし塗り)でイボイボが描けるブラシのセットです。着色用のグラデーションマップも付いてます。

■ Usage
Draw with a one-way stroke from back to front.
You can draw thick warts.

■-Line Drawing wart brush
If you want to do the painting by yourself, use the "wart brush" line drawing .
After you draw the warts with the brush , theedit → [convert brightness to opacity] leaves only the lines .
(Main color black, sub color draw in white. )

■ Anime and blur paint with warts
If you want to paint a wart with a fill, you can use the "Wart Brush" (anime), "wart brush, blur paint" to match the pattern.
Because only the expression with a single color is possible only by drawing with the brush, I recommend coloring in the gradient map.

■ gradient map Coloring
This is a method of coloring the wart warts of the anime fill and the blur fill.
Use the included gradient set.

Gray (main color black, sub color white) to draw warts.

select [Layer] → [new correction layer] → [gradient map] ,
Make a gradient map on top of the layer of warts you just drew.

Click the mark of the ③ wrench → Select Add gradient set .

Select the coloring gradient Map andadd .
Choose your favorite GRADATION and OK.

When you want to change the ■ color
The gradient map arrow corresponds to the following image. Change it according to your preference.
(Changing the arrowhead position affects shading and contrast.) I think that it is good to try adjusting if you are accustomed to gradient map. )


ブラシでイボイボを描いた後[ 編集 ]→[ 輝度を透明度に変換 ] で線だけ残ります

塗りのあるイボイボを描きたい場合は『イボイボブラシ_アニメ塗り』 『イボイボブラシ_ぼかし塗り』を絵柄に合わせてお使いください。



② [ レイヤー ]→[ 新規色調補正レイヤー ]→[グラデーションマップ ]を選択し、

 レンチのマークをクリック→[ グラデーションセットを追加 ]を選択します。



Brush ブラシ

gradient map グラデーションマップ

Content ID:1878030

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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