waterfall (瀑布) 瀑布

Content ID:1877586

  • 869

Waterfall brush, use method see gif. 1. Use the usual color brush (or the system comes with a soft spray gun) to lay the background color 2. Add water pattern with waterfall brush 3. Use a slightly rougher brush (or the system comes with carbon pen and pencil) to refine a little 4. Finally, use the drop brush with splashing water falls to complete. 瀑布笔刷,使用方法见gif。 1.使用惯用的铺色笔刷(或系统自带的柔和喷枪)铺上底色 2.用瀑布笔刷加上水纹 3.用略粗糙的勾线笔刷(或系统自带的炭笔和铅笔)进行一点点细化 4.最后用飞沫笔刷加上飞溅的水花 瀑布就完成啦。

Content ID:1877586

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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