Perfect perspective/Perfect Perspective (완벽 투시/Perfect Perspective) 완벽 투시/Perfect Perspective

Content ID:1876330

  • 1,284
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

You can make it with a single drag, from vanishing point to guide.
you can make vanishing point and guides with just 1 stroke.

소실점부터 가이드까지 한 번의 드래그로 만들 수 있습니다.
you can make vanishing point and guides with just 1 stroke.

[The free period has ended, and if it is popular, we will release it again for free later.]
[now this tool isn't free, but i'll publish for free if many people find this.]

kor] We implemented a vanishing point with Photoshop's polygon tool in Clip Studio.
Clip Studio's perspectiveer is inconvenient for simple perspective instead of elaborate, so we've created a vanishing point in the form of a brush.

Create a large number of guides with a vanishing point for the size you drag.
The bigger you drag, the more guides you'll get, and if you get too many, you won't be able to recognize them.

The guide line is set to a very long time, so you don't break it when you create it from an edge.

It is created like a focus line on a new layer.

eng] I tried to make photoshop's perspective tool in Clip Studio Paint.
And... It was Great!!
This brush makes vanishing point and guide with just a drag!!!
Clip Studio Paint's Perspective tool is really fine but i think it's hard to use at easy perspective.

So this brush's advantage is You can make a Perfect Perspective with 1 stroke!
[무료 기간이 종료되었습니다, 인기가 많으면 나중에 다시 무료로 공개하겠습니다.]
[now this tool isn't free, but i'll publish for free if many people find this.]

kor] 포토샵의 다각형 툴을 이용한 소실점 생성을 클립스튜디오로 구현했습니다.
클립스튜디오의 퍼스자는 정교한 대신 간단한 투시를 하기에는 불편하므로, 브러시 형태로 소실점을 제작했습니다.

드래그한 사이즈만큼을 소실점으로 하여 수많은 가이드를 생성합니다.
크게 드래그할수록 많은 가이드가 생기는데, 너무 많이 생기면 가이드를 알아볼 수 없으니 주의하세요.

가이드선이 매우 길게 설정되어 있어 모서리에서 생성해도 끊기지 않습니다.

새로운 레이어에 집중선처럼 생성됩니다.

eng] I tried to make photoshop's perspective tool in Clip Studio Paint.
And... It was Great!!
This brush makes vanishing point and guide with just a drag!!!
Clip Studio Paint's Perspective tool is really fine but i think it's hard to use at easy perspective.

So this brush's advantage is You can make a Perfect Perspective with 1 stroke!

Content ID:1876330

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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Hi! I'm Artist in South Korea. I love to draw and I post them on my blog. I'll be really happy if you see my artworks. My blog: My Art Community: email: thanks :D