Circle Sand Tone (円砂カケトーン) 円砂カケトーン

Content ID:1873409

  • 1,088

It is a background tone for the girl cartoon style.
I have made two pieces in B4 size and sand cross-hatching.

I tried to make a circle with a tone in sand or Keami.
Please use it if it is good (* ˊ ᗜ ˋ *)
※ Because it is a noise tone material, I think that it is weak in the scale reduction.
If you want to use it other than scale, it might be a little better if you toning noise (unconfirmed)
Try a lot of good plum ♪
(↓ Sample is displayed by shrinking part.) Body is B4 size 600dpi)

(↓ サンプルは一部分を縮小して表示しています。本体はB4サイズ600dpiです)

Tone トーン

Content ID:1873409

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

かおり@ねこみみ's profile Go to profile

ダウンロード・いいね・ギフト・フォローありがとうございます!  自分用に作った素材ですがお役に立てたらいいな⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝