Neon Circle Material Set (ネオンサークル素材セット) ネオンサークル素材セット

Content ID:1869433

  • 1,541

It is a set of image material neon circle that seems to use a one point of the illustration background.
Created in all 20 types/600dpi

Usage is a simple specification just paste in the background. (Black background recommended)
If you want to change the color of circle material, please use the tonal correction function.
(Personally, we recommend you to clip and adjust the tonal correction layer etc. image material layer ◎)

全20種類 / 600dpiで作成


neon neon

noise noise

bicolor bicolor

flare flare

eclipse eclipse

Content ID:1869433

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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