Wet wash & Thick oil paint

Content ID:1867138

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.11.0. ( Download the latest version here )

This is a material catalog containing the [Wet wash] and [Thick oil paint] updated in Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.11.0.

These materials are compatible with Clip Studio Paint Ver 1.11.0 or later. Please update Clip Studio Paint to the latest version before use.

If you have installed Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.11.0 for the first time, without updating from a previous version, these materials are included by default, so there is no need to download these materials separately.

For more information about the [Wet wash] and [Thick oil paint] brushes updated in Ver. 1.11.0, please refer to the following article.

Wet wash

Thick oil paint

Watercolor / Thick paint

Content ID:1867138

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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