Horns Pack 1

Content ID:1866943

  • 4,151
  • 10 CLIPPY
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

A pack of 5 types of horns, made for my own reference and released for public use.

Open to suggestions on other types of horns to model! Send me a message and I might end up making it in my free time.

Category 1

Content ID:1866943

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

GlimmerGuts's profile Go to profile

Sylvanus // Guts ✧ Publishing materials I create to make my own process more streamlined. Brushes, models, etc. Open to suggestions but no promises. ✧ pls let me rig your models ✧ ENG