Make a favorite illustration with your just pop-up card. For birthdays and Christmas. 好きなイラストで作るあなただけのポップアップカード。誕生日やクリスマス用に。
When you open the box is a pattern of pop-up card fly. (Pop-up card)

(Template) put your favorite character in the template, just print it on the A4 cardboard.
(Print on A4 size paper.)
There is also an assembly instructions.
(There is an instruction manual on how to make.)
I also put the illustration material that I can make immediately.
Let's try

開くと箱がとびだすポップアップカードの型紙です。(pop-up card)

(Print on A4 size paper.)
(There is an instruction manual on how to make.)
Let‘s try

Category 1 カテゴリ1
Category 2 カテゴリ2