Fitzpatrick Skin Gradient

Content ID:1850212

This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Skin tone gradient set based off the Fitzpatrick skin tone.

This gradient set is based off the Fitzpatrick skin tone scale to classify skin color.

It includes all six Fitzpatrick skin tones plus five additional skin tones derived from it and a grayscale for customization.

You can use these gradients in any way you like, but it's best if you use them with the gradient map's blending mode set to Color mode, that way it preserves your grayscale's values. However, you may need to adjust the brightness of the base grays or simply add brighter highlights and darker shades to the gradient maps of each set. For ease of reference, I've included a Fitzpatrick circle when using the color picker.

Here are examples of how they look like for each set (Note: It largely depends how good your grayscale is or how much details you put in the lighting and shading process, but these examples give you a good idea how they look like given the proper techniques):

Pale White (I)

Apricot white (II)

Light olive brown (III)

Middle olive brown (IV)

Brown (V)

Dark brown (VI)

The following are variations of the six main skin tones:

Peach white

Asian yellow

Middle brown

Nigerian dark brown

Sub-Saharan black

With the Gradient circle provided, you can create a variety of skin tones similar or different from these.

Gradient set

Supplementary material

Content ID:1850212

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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My real name is Giancarlo Berríos Gilormini, my main career will actually be a chemical physicist research scientist but I also love drawing manga/anime style characters and I also (hopefully), plan to draw an actual manga with characters and a plot.