Selection Blur (選択ぼかし) 選択ぼかし

Content ID:1849588

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

I often change the hue etc. in a selection, but I want a selection that is blurry and created it. Because it is for oneself, there might be a coarse, but please use it by changing the range of blurred freely ☺ 選択範囲で色相などを変えることが多いのですが、ぼやっとしている選択範囲がほしくて作成しました。自分用なので粗があるかもですがぼける範囲などご自由に変更してお使いください☺

Mainly for changing colors naturally.
To change the color,
Use the selection blur on the layer you want to change the color andchange color with control + U.


Content ID:1849588

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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