Magic Gun (魔法銃) 魔法銃

Content ID:1833800

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Is there anyone who needs this?

In the novel, a secret weapon on the scoundrel's side, or rather a child weapon of the tiger. It is a fantasy set to come out with a handgun. However, unlike a pistol, it is a specification that spells out bullets, explosives, and fires (ignition).


The Magic Spell chanting (no chant in the novel-only available in remembrance) is a gun that only has stones that receive the user's attention wave.
Unfortunately there are no triggers.

When storing, it will be ye like the wing which is the trigger stone cover of the powder and the bullet which uses the gun and the firing prevention.

The magic compression bottle has been built so that the person who has not magical can exercise the spell. The filler appears behind the grip, but you can erase it if you don't need it.
No, I wonder if there are people who need this in the first place.

Well, please use it for something small. ^^;;;

It is like this if I give a man of height 170cm it.
It is not powerful. ^^;;
I mean, how do I set up. It is likely to hear the slander.

Aim it, and please make it to the specification that the gun is matched to a suitable (laughs).

I'm sorry it is useless. M (_ _) m

魔法の呪文詠唱(小説内では無詠唱 ── 念じるだけで利用)で発射するため、利用者の念波を受信する石がついているだけの銃です。






役に立たないものですいません。m(_ _)m

Material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル
  • Material 2 マテリアル2
  • Material 3 マテリアル3
  • Material 3 (white) マテリアル3(白)

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト
  • Storage layout 収納レイアウト

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • Cartridge Storage カートリッジ格納
  • R R
  • L

Content ID:1833800

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

哀岬ふうか's profile Go to profile

自己紹介するほどの者ではありません。 なろう小説の挿絵を描いてみようと、2020年の10月からクリスタを使い始めてます。最近、3Dデータが使えるようになったのと、ASSERTで画像データが使わせてもらえるのを知ったので、CPほしさに3Dデータ描きに挑戦してみました。 ポーズの登録が簡単かなと思ったら、方法が判らず違反行為と叱られてしまった初心者です。よろしくお願いします。