Content ID:1831176

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For painting.
A bit color changing that help a teem portrait, but not overdone.

It fits well for coloring purposes. A line that enriches the color with random color changes, but is not too overly strong.
Some changes in color occur, and you can use this and the watercolor system to give it a texture with just a stroke.
It's not bad to turn off the water sink or reduce color mixing.

For painting.
A bit color changing that help a teem portrait, but not overdone.

채색 용도로 잘 맞습니다. 랜덤 색변화로 색감을 풍부하게 하되 너무 과하지 않은 선입니다.
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Content ID:1831176

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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