Eye Color Pallet Set ver. 2.0 (瞳カラーパレットセット ver.2.0) 瞳カラーパレットセット ver.2.0

Content ID:1830945

  • 4,004

It is color set material that is convenient when I paint eyes color.
Because it is a set of the standard + α color
The set that the image of the color of the wacky, individual pupil has not been recorded.

○ All 79 Pattern Recording

※ Because the sorting of the color system of each color set is by the favor and the sense of the author personally,
Because there is a case which does not match a general color chart and comparing, approve it ※

Each pattern is made upof one set of six colors .
See the illustration for an example of how each color is arranged.

①... Base scalar
② ~ ④... Shading Color
In the sample, ② ③ is for shading and iris, and ④ is used as a pupil color.
⑤ ~ ⑥... Highlight Color

Color set window is set to [step 8] how to show
It is displayed neatly without slipping the column. ◎


◯ 全79パターン収録

※ 各カラーセットの色系統の振り分けなどは作者個人の好み・感覚によるものですので、
一般的なカラーチャートと照らし合わせると一致しない場合がございますのでご了承下さい ※



カラーセットウィンドウは、表示方法を【 ステップ指定 8 】に設定すると

color set カラーセット

Update history

Change color set arrangement -Fine-tune the color of each pattern Samune/Sample/Explanatory images Updated (2021.03.31) ・カラーセットの配置を変更
・サムネ/サンプル/説明画像を更新 ( 2021.03.31 )

Old version

Content ID:1830945

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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