Black knit (검정 니트) 검정 니트

Content ID:1820862

  • 2,308

A realistic textured black knit brush.
When you add contrast to the multiply layer, it looks more natural.

影を乗算層 加 よ然.

It's a realistic black knit brush.
It looks more natural if you add light and shade as a multiplication layer.

사실적인 질감의 검정색 니트 브러쉬입니다.
곱하기 레이어로 명암을 넣으면 더욱 자연스러워 보입니다.


It's a realistic black knit brush.
It looks more natural if you add light and shade as a multiplication layer.

Content ID:1820862

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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