A pen Set (はつがペンセット) はつがペンセット

Content ID:1816334

  • 1,026

Thank you DL, gift always.
I noticed that the setting of the inclination was convenient, and added the quick setting. There is also a previous version (no inclination setting).
Basically, it's not the same as last time.
I added one pen with thanks for the rest.
There are various kinds and I think that I do not embarrass it, please if you do not mind.

In the color set, the color that the nuance comes out when I am using the main line and the color for the marker, the Greske, and a pale color for the background color are included.


New with Tilt setting New (傾き設定付き)

Old (no previous slope setting) 旧 (以前の傾き設定なし)

Markers and palettes マーカーとパレット

Update history

21.1.25 Update 21.1.25 更新

Old version

Content ID:1816334

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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のんびりと絵を描いております。 二次もオリジナルもわしわし描きます。 たまに素材を作りたいです。