It is a posture to fall dynamically / dramatically!
I floated a little on the ground for a dynamic effect and laid down a lot, but it was a little quiet (?) If you want to pose, you can attach your feet to the ground and adjust the tilt of your body!
Use it in a variety of ways!
역동적으로/드라마틱하게 넘어지는 자세입니다!
역동적인 효과를 위해 땅에서 조금 띄워놓고, 몸을 많이 눕혀놨습니다만 조금 조용한(?)포즈를 원하신다면 땅에 발을 붙인 다음 몸의 기울기를 조절해주시면 될 것 같아요!
다양하게 활용해보세요!