Leaves Ground brush (枯れ葉地面ブラシ) 枯れ葉地面ブラシ

Content ID:1801102

  • 502
by C.

It is a brush that easily draw the buried ground in the leaves for a distant or small and medium frame.
It is not suitable for up.
-I made it in monochrome 2-value, 600dpi

Brush strokes (monochrome 2-value)
-There is a gap

■ Use example
① Draw trees suitably

I draw it with a ② brush.

③ of unnecessary places (↓ green frame width is roughly the size of the width of the inner frame of the finished B5 manuscript)

■ Mountain of fallen leaves is easy to draw.





③不要なところを削って完成 (↓緑枠横幅がだいたいタチキリB5原稿の内枠横幅のサイズ感)


Leaves ground 枯れ葉地面

Content ID:1801102

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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