Paint Wind-animation oil Brush Set (絵の具風-あにまもこ油彩ブラシセット) 絵の具風-あにまもこ油彩ブラシセット

Content ID:1798695

  • 410
  • Free

It is a set of two brushes that can be drawn relatively easily represented by paint on paper.
Drilling from the sponge and crumbs.

It is possible to change the drawing taste at the brush interval.
☆ Personal advise how to use ☆
I can express enough analogue feeling just to paint as it is, but when I paint the fluorescent color in a overlay, a feeling of foil like a rare card is added, too.


Paint. 油彩

Content ID:1798695

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

兄魔もこ(AnimaMoco)'s profile Go to profile

ゲームと創作が好きな魔道士/CLIP STADIO PAINT 歴7年 クリスタを使って色んな作品を制作してきました。 不定期で、CLIP STUDIO PAINTの使い方をブログやTwitterで発信しています(「・ω・)「 いつか、魔法を使えるようになりたい グッズ通販: