Log simple pen (로그간단펜) 로그간단펜

Content ID:1796576

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Commute/Graffiti Pen Brush 커뮤 로그 / 낙서용 펜 브러쉬

It is a pen for communal log/ graffiti. It is recommended for those who have not been able to give a lot of power to the hand. It is a light-feeling brush for the line-up.

Example picture 200dpi / 10 px
커뮤 로그/낙서용 펜입니다. 손에 힘을 많이 안 주시는 분들께 추천. 가벼운 느낌의 선화용 브러쉬입니다.

예시그림 200dpi / 10 px

Content ID:1796576

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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