Pencil brush made in stricken (てきとうに作った鉛筆ブラシ) てきとうに作った鉛筆ブラシ

Content ID:1780701

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This is a pencil-like brush for graffiti where you can draw a steady line of weights. The difference from other pencil brushes is that you can choose a transparent color and leave it out when you erase the line with this brush. 太さが安定した線を引ける落書き用の鉛筆風ブラシです。ほかの鉛筆ブラシとの違いは、透明色を選択してこのブラシで線を消したときに消し残しが出ない点。

This is a pencil-like brush for graffiti where you can draw a steady line of weights. The difference from other pencil brushes is that you can choose a transparent color and leave it out when you erase the line with this brush.

(The color line was fixed so that only the monochrome line was yasashikuhikeru.) )


Old version

Content ID:1780701

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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