Spiral ruler. Spiral rules. (Spiral ruler. 螺旋定規。) Spiral ruler. 螺旋定規。

Content ID:1777002

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Spiral Ruler.
Spiral ruler.
Use unknown.
Purpose is unknown.

[Ruler of Takumi] TAKUMI BRAND
Spiral ruler.
purpose is unknown.


It's a spiral ruler.
Drag and drop onto the canvas directly from the Materials palette.

There are 50 laps in the width.
High precision with 64 points used for the circuit.

The use is unknown, but the deformation is free with the object tool.

It is a "Spiral ruler".
Drag & drop directly from the "material" pellets onto the canvas.
There are 50 laps with the same width.
It is a high precision that 64 points are used for one round.
The purpose is unknown, but you can freely transform it with the object tool.




It is a "Spiral ruler".
Drag & drop directly from the "Material" pellets onto the canvas.
There are 50 laps with the same width.
It is a high precision that 64 points are used for one round.
The purpose is unknown, but you can freely transform it with the object tool.

Content ID:1777002

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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