Bright Tatami (tatami) set (山吹畳(タタミ)セット) 山吹畳(タタミ)セット

Content ID:1753293

  • 164
  • 3,000 CLIPPY

A collection of image material of tatami mats.
600DPI're created in gray.

---Changes from the previous version---
* Layer template material has been changed to one point image material.
* The edge of the tatami mat has a black opacity of 60%, and the toning setting was excluded.
* I narrowed the pattern image material to five kinds.

It takes a long time to download because there is a large number of materials.
Please understand.

--- 旧バージョンからの変更点 ---


image material 画像素材

Tiling patterns タイリングパターン

Update history

2019.9.22 changed layer template to image material. Layer settings change. Change the number of pattern images. 2019.9.22 レイヤーテンプレートを画像素材に変更。レイヤー設定変更。パターン画像数変更。

Old version

Content ID:1753293

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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