특수부대 병사의 캐릭터 모델입니다.
현실적인 텍스쳐 타입과색상구분텍스쳐타입이 있습니다.
This is a character model for the Special Forces soldiers.
There are realistic texture type and color classification type.
It is a character model of special Forces soldiers.
There is a realistic texture type and a hue category texture type.
특수부대 병사의 캐릭터 모델입니다.
현실적인 텍스쳐 타입과색상구분텍스쳐타입이 있습니다.
This is a character model for the Special Forces soldiers.
There are realistic texture type and color classification type.
Body ボディ
real real
clolr clolr