Haewol R. pencil (v3.1) (Haewol R. pencil (v3.1)) Haewol R. pencil (v3.1)

Content ID:1727934

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More realistic update

Fixed it to appear thicker and thicker.
Modified to be thicker and darker.
I'm going to go back to my life.

Darker than ver2.0.
darker than ver2.0

We recommend that you change the length unit to mmin in your preferences.
It is recommended to change the length unit in mmin the preferences.
It'勧 a great place to stay.

S - Sharp
B - Blunt
C - Color
more realistic update

더 두껍고 진하게 나오도록 수정하였습니다.
Modified to be thicker and darker.

ver2.0 보다 어둡습니다.
darker than ver2.0

환경설정에서 길이 단위를 mm 단위로 변경하는 것이 좋습니다.
It is recommended to change the length unit in mm in the preferences.

S - Sharp
B - Blunt
C - Color

Haewol R. Pencil (v3.1) Haewol R. Pencil (v3.1)

Update history

Ver 3.1: Pencil B 를 더 부드럽게 수정 Make Pencil B Smoother Fix pencil B more smoothly ver 3.1 :
pencil B를 더 부드럽게 수정
Make pencil B smoother
pencil Bをよりスムーズに修正

Old version

Content ID:1727934

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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