Yu-style manga full text ten (ユウ式マンガ本文テンプレ) ユウ式マンガ本文テンプレ

Content ID:1727235

  • 160

It is a set of the layer template (for A5 and B5) that I use in the text manuscript.
 Because the filled area is displayed, the area where it is cut is easy to understand.
 If you do not know the function of layer template yet, who is troublesome to hit folios every time you use the PRO version, please use.
 In addition, when you create a canvas, please set the third image of the use example as reference.

Because the left page and the right page are combined , the unnecessary layer is hidden or deleted and used.
Because I put a folios for CLIP STUDIO PRO, when I use it for EX, I think that it is good to delete the Folios folder and to re-register it.
The area of the throat and the fill is set layer color to the folder, and, please change it to a favorite color.
You have created a tone folder, but there is no content.
It is made to throw and make the tone layer to use.

Please try customize and use it so that it is easy to use!

The central folios always comes to the center because it is in the frame wrapping.

When you create a canvas, you should set the following (including layer template to save presets, it is easier to follow)





List of materials 素材一覧

Update history

2019.07.17 layer color is used to remove the Debut from the corresponding software. Add 2018.11.06 b5 and update to the material collection 2018.11.06 A5 edition published 2019.07.17 レイヤーカラーを使用しているため対応ソフトからDebutを削除
2018.11.06 B5追加して素材集にアップデート
2018.11.06 A5版公開

Old version

Content ID:1727235

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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