Red Orange color Palette (赤オレンジ系 カラーパレット) 赤オレンジ系 カラーパレット

Content ID:1704909

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Ta-Le: A-la-Pas-pa-II

Content ID: 1704904

It becomes the bus of ↑.

* Please feel free to make it easy to use. M (_ _) m

Because I updated the better of the set, the Roses also fit.

(Samune etc. are intact (; ´ д '))
タ​イ​ト​ル​ ​:​ ​カ​​​ラ​​​ー​​​パ​​​レ​​​ッ​​​ト​​​セ​​​ッ​​​ト



​※​カ​ス​タ​マ​イ​ズ​は​使​い​や​す​い​よ​う​に​ご​自​由​に​ど​う​ぞ​m​(​_​ ​_​)​m



Ta-Le: A-la-Pas-pa-II
Content ID: 1704904
It becomes the bus of ↑.

* Please feel free to make it easy to use. M (_ _) m

Because I updated the better of the set, the Roses also fit.
(Samune etc. are intact (; ´ д '))

* Note *
If you have your own customize (such as adding colors),
It might be better to use it as it is.
タ​イ​ト​ル​ ​:​ ​カ​​​ラ​​​ー​​​パ​​​レ​​​ッ​​​ト​​​セ​​​ッ​​​ト

​※​カ​ス​タ​マ​イ​ズ​は​使​い​や​す​い​よ​う​に​ご​自​由​に​ど​う​ぞ​m​(​_​ ​_​)​m



Old version

Content ID:1704909

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 6 years ago

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