Sato, Akira workspace (佐藤秀峰ワークスペース) 佐藤秀峰ワークスペース

Content ID:1696192

  • 3,055
  • Free
You cannot use this material in Simple Mode for the smartphone or tablet version of Clip Studio Paint.

Profile: Sato, Akira 
HP: (Sato Manga Mfg.)
Http:// (manga on web)
The masterpiece is "Sea Monkey", "Say hello to Blackjack." Currently, "Stand By Me" is serialized in the island of suicide.

* This material is available at CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.1.6.6 or later.
HP:佐藤漫画製作所)マンガ on ウェブ)
代表作は、『海猿』『ブラックジャックによろしく』など。現在、『stand by me 描クえもん』『特攻の島』を連載中。

※この素材はCLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.1.6.6以降でご利用いただけます。

About this workspace >
Palette layout:
I use it as simple as possible to show only pallets to be specialized in the animation of monochrome 2D and to be actually used.
The software only uses the minimum necessary, and focuses on the improvement of my picture power.

Shortcut settings:
Not customize.

About the command bar layout:
Not customize.

About the workspace creation Environment >
MacOS 10.10.5
Touch Operation interface OFF
Dual Monitor
Monitor Type: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), Cintiq 22HD
Monitor resolution: 2880 × 1800, 1920 × 1080
* The layout of the pallet is automatically adjusted due to the size of the desktop and the difference in configuration.

The workspace material contains the following items:
Pallet position and display state
shortcut setting
Command bar layout
Unit of preference

The Load workspace Settings dialog appears when the workspace is loaded.
You can select items other than pallets to import.

※ I use the menu screen in CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver1.6.6.




・macOS 10.10.5
・タッチ操作インターフェース OFF
・モニタ種類:MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013),Cintiq 22HD



※CLIP STUDIO PAINT  Ver1.6.6でのメニュー画面を使用しています。

Content ID:1696192

Published : 7 years ago

Last updated : 7 years ago

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CLIP STUDIO PAINTの開発・販売を行うセルシスの公式アカウントです。CELSYS official account. We develop and sell CLIP STUDIO PAINT.