Sutra brushes (般若心経ブラシ) 般若心経ブラシ

Content ID:1695127

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Sutra is a brush for writing.
Typeface and books, two types of body,
Eight types per clause for each,
There are a total of 16 different brushes.

Sutra is a brush for writing.
Typeface and books, two types of body,
Eight types per clause for each,
There are a total of 16 different brushes.

1 teachings mahasattva Hannya Prajnaparamita ~ Terumi Guang Sky

2 degrees no distress misfortune ~ Laws Airso

3 non-immortal-vocal flavor criminally

4 No prospect ~ also obtained

5 . No Income ~ Fall Dreamer

6 just Nirvana ~ Hannya Prajnaparamita

7 The Curse of the Hannya Prajnaparamita

8 Confucius-Sutra

I think that it is possible to use it when the character sutras in haste and the trouble drawn is likely to be Mogitora by Heike's Revenant.

Please let us know if you have any questions or deficiencies in unfamiliar things.

1 仏説摩訶般若波羅蜜多~照見五蘊皆空

2 度一切苦厄〜是諸法空相

3 不生不滅〜声香味触法

4 無眼界〜亦無得

5 以無所得故〜顛倒夢想

6 究竟涅槃〜般若波羅蜜多

7 是大神呪〜般若波羅蜜多呪

8 即説呪曰〜般若心経



Sutra 般若心経

Content ID:1695127

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 6 years ago