The 3D model of the 2t track. The door of the car is set up so that it can open and close. This material is divided into several layers of parts. This material has been produced based on what is included in the 3D data Collection Vol. 3 Station and vehicle. 2tトラックの3Dモデルです。車のドアが開閉できるように設定されています。この素材はパーツがいくつかのレイヤーに分かれています。この素材は、3DデータコレクションVol.3 駅・乗り物に収録されているものを元に制作されています。

lt conversion of layer [EX only] is a feature that renders 3D models and 2D images placed on the canvas into lines (line) and tones (Tone).

Drag the cursor over the root manipulator arrow to move up, down, right, and back. Also, drag along the ring to rotate.

In the object launcher, you can switch between 3D editing and ground to the floor, and depending on the 3D model you can choose the color and pose parts.

Apply light source on the tool property palette allows you to turn the light on and off and adjust the orientation.
If you don't want to see shadows in your 3D model, turn shadow off.





Material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
Configuration. 配置
default layout 初期レイアウト
pose parts 可動パーツ
Door 1_ Open ドア1_開閉
Door 2_ Open ドア2_開閉