Watercolor marker ▲ ■ and texture set (水彩マーカー●▲■とテクスチャーセット) 水彩マーカー●▲■とテクスチャーセット
Content ID:1682349
It is a set of the texture which seems to be watercolor with several brush types including fill and blur, stretching.
It is recommended to use the texture if watercolor.
If you understand it, please adjust it to the resolution etc. only because it perlin noise it to the mask.
Brush ブラシ
-Watercolor Marker/Normal ●水彩マーカー/通常
-Watercolor Marker/color ●水彩マーカー/二色
▲ Watercolor Marker/Normal ▲水彩マーカー/通常
▲ Watercolor marker/bi-color ▲水彩マーカー/二色
■ Watercolor marker/Normal ■水彩マーカー/通常
■ Watercolor marker/dichroic ■水彩マーカー/二色
○ Hole Punching Marker/Normal ○穴抜きマーカー/通常
○ Hole Punching Marker/color ○穴抜きマーカー/二色
○ Punching Brush/Normal ○穴抜き筆/通常
○ Punching Brush/Color ○穴抜き筆/二色
Drag and Stretch 引きずり伸ばし
Relax and blend in まったりなじませ
Triangle Blend 三角なじませ
Textures and Layer Sets テクスチャとレイヤーセット
Bonus おまけ