Brush-touch oil and thick paint brushes (筆感タッチの油彩・厚塗りブラシ) 筆感タッチの油彩・厚塗りブラシ

Content ID:1666413

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There is a thick fill feeling, such as seen in the illustration site, it is not found easily the brush of my convincing, it is my own brush.
Because a thick paint-like filling irregularity remains, it likes quite.
Come and try it once.

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Tips to use well

-Brush reproduction , Main Line, for drafts , fine , medium , thick , such as thick , brush size
Register to initial settings .

The layers are the same as the groundwork , except for the foreground, medium and background.

First of all, the color of the base is dark .

→ Use a draft brush to determine the lines and shapes.

The color is left in the same layer. The main line is, the main line while painting the color

→ The color irregularity is arranged with a light touch (touch like tinged stroking).
If you trim too much, you will reduce the profound feeling in moderation.
You may add the ground color again and adapt.

→ To be aware of highlights, reflected light, and color gradients.









Content ID:1666413

Published : 8 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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