Suddenly a fat brush (急に太る筆) 急に太る筆

Content ID:1652776

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The brush becomes suddenly thicker when you apply a little pressure. I think whether you can use it in the writing character with the taste. The pressure portion of the brush size is in an extreme graph. I think it is also good to have you try changing to your liking. 少し筆圧をかけるといきなり太くなる筆です。味のある書き文字などにお使いいただけるかと思います。ブラシサイズの筆圧の部分を極端なグラフにしています。お好みに変えてみてもらうのも良いかと思います。

It is a watercolor brush that suddenly thickens when I put a little pressure.
Could it be used for writing characters? The same
Try it when you want to write a character with a crisp taste!

※ Brush size The pressure graph can be set from the menu next to extremes
Because I am fiddling, if you change it to your liking it
I think that you will be able to do the weight which suits your pressure.
Please try to customize.


Content ID:1652776

Published : 9 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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