Sunlight Brushes of touch (触れるだけの木漏れ日ブラシ) 触れるだけの木漏れ日ブラシ

Content ID:1648896

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The shimmer and the dazzling irregular sunlight are the brushes that can be drawn just by touching the tablet a little.
The shade layer ("linear" burn) is recommended. And make a "dodge (light) layer" on top of it and draw in white.
"Blackness" is not reflected at all, but "dark gray" is fine.
The sample "hydrangea staircase" is sunlight in mesh transformation to the stone walls and stairs.
In addition, if you change the "brush size", the sunlight light will become the rose or the ball State, so please balance the "particle size" together.
Please use it if you want.

Content ID:1648896

Published : 8 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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