The material of the salute pose, such as the army type, but I tried to make the material of the Navy-like salute pause is not thought. I made reference to pictures and pictures went out on the internet, but I'm sorry if I went wrong because it is not particularly familiar to the military in the Lord P. 陸軍式っぽい敬礼ポーズの素材はあっても海軍式っぽい敬礼ポーズの素材はないなーと思って作ってみました。一応ネットで調べて出た写真や絵を参考に作っていますが、うp主は特にミリタリーに詳しいってわけではないのでもし間違ってたらごめんなさい…。
I replaced the thumbnail with the image of the default body model.
The material of the salute pose, such as the army type, but I tried to make the material of the Navy-like salute pause is not thought. I made reference to pictures and pictures went out on the internet, but I'm sorry if I went wrong because it is not particularly familiar to the military in the Lord P.