Sand particles (low density) (砂子粒子(低密度)) 砂子粒子(低密度)

Content ID:1499624

  • 3,966

A fairly smallish isago is scattered thinly. You can draw in any color you like. かなり小さめの砂子がまばらに散布されます。 お好きな色にて描画できます。

-You can draw in any color you like.
The size of the grain is possible by changing the magnification factor of "paper" of the tool property, and it is likely not to be visible like the gold depending on the size.
In order to glitter,
* The background shines in the Dark One.
* ① draw with this brush. (Dark Ocher)
Create a new layer (addition) on the drawn layer of ② ①, and partially glow with This brush or included 部分的 .

Update history

Content ID:1499624

Published : 10 years ago

Last updated : 7 years ago

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