The texture is made seamlessly. It is a good feeling when I use it for the processing of the image.
Thank you for the download and good.
Description changed.
The content of the material does not change.
◆ Basic Pattern

Basic color So contrast the saturation and strengthen the left color change
※ No different colors are included. Please change the hue saturation by yourself.
It is such a feeling when I use it for illustration.

Only the original image background color burn 50% overlay to 100% overall
◆ It becomes an interesting image depending on the layer effect.

Original image hue saturation contrast change exclusion 100%

基本 色そう彩度をコントラスト強めく 左の色変更

元画像 背景のみ焼き込みカラー100% 全体にオーバーレイ50%

元画像 色相彩度コントラスト変更 除外100%