Color Red (英名色_赤系) 英名色_赤系

Content ID:1358888

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It is a color set of the idiomatic color of the katakana notation commonly used in paints, etc., which are standard in JIS. You can use it when you create an illustration. ※ Because it is not the color specified for the Web, the color value is an approximation.
※ This material is identical to the data delivered by CLIP "search for materials".

You can switch color set at the top of the color set palette.

You can also name the color by making the how to show a list.
* Depending on the color set, the color name may have been set from the beginning.

※ In the sample image, I use the menu screen in the CLIP STUDIO PAINT1.1.0.



※作例内では、CLIP STUDIO PAINT1.1.0でのメニュー画面を使用しています。

Content ID:1358888

Published : 12 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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