只需按一下即可使用圖元著色的平滑資料夾! Smooth folder with pixel coloring in a single click!
假設您決定以 anime pro 的方式著色。要麼是因為你想加入這個行業,要麼是因為你更喜歡它的結構。因此,您可以關閉所有內容的抗鋸齒功能,並愉快地將圖元繪製掉。
Let's say you decided to color the anime pro way. Either because you want to join the industry or because you prefer the structure of it. So you turn off anti-aliasing on everything and happily paint pixels away.
But once you get to smoothing all your layers, for one it's very tedious and for another...
Void areas, blank pixels, the bane of every digital artist. Not even removing anti-aliasing can spare us. So I decided to not only work out a solution so I'm not forced back into anti-aliased work, but I also condensed it into a simple auto action for all to enjoy.
Once you hit play and wait a few seconds, the layer will be duplicated, merged, and smoothed out in one go!