雷庫 Rgb 移位 (Raiku RGB Shift) Raiku RGB Shift


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1. 在完成的繪圖上選擇您的頂層。選擇"Raiku RGB 移位"自動操作,然後按一下播放。
2. 自動操作將創建 4 個圖層,其中具有圖形的紅色、綠色和藍色色調圖像。您可以刪除在頂層是非柵格圖層的情況下創建的緩衝區圖層。
現在,您可以開始移動彩色圖層,以產生 RGB 移位效果!
3. 僅移動圖層"紅色"以產生紅色和青色移位效果。
4. 或者,將圖層"紅色"和"藍色"向相反方向移動,以創建紅色、綠色和藍色移位效果。
5. 您完成!


To use please follow image tutorial below.

1. On your finished drawing select your top layer. Select "Raiku RGB Shift" auto action then click play.
2. The auto action will create 4 layers with a red, green, and blue toned image of your drawing. You can delete the buffer layer which is created in case the top layer is a non-raster layer.
Now you can start moving the colored layers to make a RGB shift effect!
3. Only move the layer "red" for a red and cyan shift effect.
4. Alternatively, move the layer "red" and "blue" in opposite directions to create a red, green, and blue shift effect.
5. You are done!

You can also move the green layer if you want but the effect looks best in my opinion by only moving the red, or red and blue together.

Thank you.


公開日期 : 5 years ago

更新日期 : 5 years ago

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