地牢瓦地板 NMS (Dungeon Tile Floor NMS) Dungeon Tile Floor NMS


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另一種柵格畫筆,用於塗鴉石雕和其他可怕的古老混亂。仍在嘗試整理如何製作可平鋪的隨機紋理工具,但現在請隨意嘗試一下。與數位板一起使用比使用滑鼠效果更好,原因我不清楚。 Another raster brush for doodling stonework and other hideous ancient messes. Still trying to sort out how to make a tile-able randomized texture tool, but for now feel free to try this. Works better with a pen tablet than a mouse, for reasons I'm not clear about.


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

Noahms456 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

A hoopy frood that really knows where his towel is at. Into Dungeons, synths, doodling, and making stuff.