DungeonWall NMS (DungeonWall NMS) DungeonWall NMS


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一堵厚實的風化石牆,用於從上方繪製程式化的地牢地圖。我想你可能會在 2D 平台遊戲中使用它,但無論如何都要發瘋! A chunky weathered stone wall for drawing stylized dungeon maps from above. I guess you could probably use it in a 2d platformer, but anyways go nuts!


公開日期 : 20 hours ago

更新日期 : 20 hours ago

Noahms456 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

A hoopy frood that really knows where his towel is at. Into Dungeons, synths, doodling, and making stuff.