King's Pattern 裝飾 (King's Pattern Decoration) King's Pattern Decoration


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這是繪製“King's Pattern”設計的畫筆。

King's Pattern 是一種傳統的英式圖案,其歷史可以追溯到大約 1820 年。它存在於餐具上,並被許多不同的公司使用。
This is a brush to draw a "King's Pattern" design.

King's Pattern is a traditional English pattern dating from approximately 1820. It is found on cutlery, and is used by many different companies.

這是繪製“King's Pattern”設計的畫筆。

King's Pattern 是一種傳統的英式圖案,其歷史可以追溯到大約 1820 年。它存在於餐具上,並被許多不同的公司使用。我真的很喜歡它,因為它很時尚,即使我從不同的地方買來,我的銀器也會搭配!

我創建了這個畫筆,引用了我自己的一個分支 - 我希望它能説明您為任何維多利亞/英國設置帶來真實的觸感!

This is a brush to draw a "King's Pattern" design.

King's Pattern is a traditional English pattern dating from approximately 1820. It is found on cutlery, and is used by many different companies. I really like it as it's stylish, and my silverware will match even if I buy it from different places!

I created this brush referencing one of my own forks - I hope it helps you bring an authentic touch to any Victorian / English settings!


公開日期 : 1 day ago

更新日期 : 1 day ago

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