歐洲紅風箏鳥剪影筆 (European Red Kite Bird Silhouette Pen) European Red Kite Bird Silhouette Pen


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一支畫歐洲紅風箏鳥輪廓的筆。由我自己的照片製成,我有幸看到了一張!請隨時用於您在歐洲和英國的作品! A pen which draws the silhouette of the European Red Kite bird. Made from my own photograph of one I was lucky enough to see! Please feel free to use for your works set in Europe and the United Kingdom!


This pen draws a silhouette of the European Red Kite bird of prey, native to Europe. I made it from a photo I took of one I was lucky enough to see in my native UK!
The horizontal and vertical flip are randomised each time.
Please enjoy it for your works set in Europe and the UK!


公開日期 : 5 months ago

更新日期 : 5 months ago

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