珊瑚珠鏈 (Coral Beads Chain) Coral Beads Chain


  • 33
  • 免費

手工製作的串珠鏈。 Hand made beaded chain.

我最近癡迷於珊瑚首飾,所以我做了這個。1-3 串珊瑚珠是文藝復興時期義大利的流行趨勢,珊瑚珠仍然是義大利女性的傳統配飾。





I’m obsessed with coral jewelry recently, so I made this. 1-3 strings of coral beads were a popular trend in renaissance Italy and coral beads remain a traditional accessory for Italian women.
Coral beads were thought to bring good luck and good health, and if the beads faded in color, it was thought that the beads had warded off illness and used up their power. That being said, coral naturally loses color as it ages, so is it magic or is it normal aging? You decide. :)

What’s neat is that Venetian merchants brought the trend to other places in Europe, such as Poland. As such, it’s still a traditional accessory in Poland as well!

A rich, deep red was often favored, but I love this warm ‘salmon’ color, personally. 

I recommend using this on a vector layers so you can edit it easily, and please play with the gap width and brush starting and ending settings especially to suit your style.



公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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Just a hobbyist getting back into making art again! I’m American and I only know English, so please forgive me. If you prefer English, join the unofficial CSP English language discord server in my links.