豐滿的 Pinup 嘴唇 (Plump Pinup Lips) Plump Pinup Lips


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嘴唇打造 1950 年代復古造型! Lips for a 1950s retro look!


我認為它們非常適合 1950 年代風格的性感海報女孩!以下是它們用於一個簡單的範例:

lineart 是向量的,但其餘的都是柵格圖層,所以它們不能很好地用於大尺寸,但希望它們可以作為你的範本,讓它們看起來更適合你需要的任何東西。 
Made this for practice but I liked how it turned out. Maybe someone can use them?

I think they’re perfect for a sexy 1950s style pinup girl! Here they are used in a quick example:

The lineart is vector, but the rest are raster layers, so they won’t hold up very well to being used in a large size, but hopefully they can serve as a sort of template for you to make them look nicer for whatever you need. 


公開日期 : 3 hours ago

更新日期 : 3 hours ago

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Just a hobbyist getting back into making art again! I’m American and I only know English, so please forgive me. If you prefer English, join the unofficial CSP English language discord server in my links.