水母刷 (Jellyfish Brush) Jellyfish Brush


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用於水下背景等的 Jellyfish Brush 筆刷。存在的水母種類是三種模式的斑點水母:休息、打開、閉合。 A Jellyfish Brush for underwater backgrounds and such. The species of jellyfish present is a spotted jellyfish in three modes: resting, opened, closed.

選擇顏色時,請注意顏色 1 代表較暗的區域,而顏色 2 代表較亮的區域。在開始繪製之前,請確保已選擇顏色 1。

要使一些水母看起來更遠,請減小畫筆大小並使顏色 2 更暗。對於更近的水母,增加畫筆大小並使顏色 2 更淺。

When choosing colors, please note that color 1 will represent the darker areas whereas color 2 will be the lighter areas. Make sure color 1 is selected before you start drawing.

To make some jellyfish appear further away, decrease brush size and make color 2 darker. As for closer jellyfish, increase brush size and make color 2 lighter.


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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