完美鉛筆(帶傾斜支撐) (Perfect Pencil (with tilt support)) Perfect Pencil (with tilt support)


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這是一個畫筆,使用傾斜和壓力來創建一個逼真的鉛筆,可以產生廣泛的標記,從線條到陰影到陰影。它類似于 HB 鉛筆,非常適合創建逼真的草圖和圖紙。


請注意:您需要一個帶 Apple 鉛筆的 Ipad Pro 或一個支援傾斜的 Wacom 平板電腦, 以使用畫筆中的傾斜功能。
This is a brush that uses tilt and pressure to create a realistic looking pencil that can produce a wide range of marks, from lines to shading to hatching. It resembles an HB pencil and is great for creating realistic sketches and drawings. 

I hope you enjoy it!

Please note: You need an Ipad Pro with Apple Pencil or a Wacom tablet that supports tilt to use the tilt functions in the brush.


公開日期 : 6 years ago

更新日期 : 6 years ago

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