Sea Angel 化妝刷 (Sea Angel Brush) Sea Angel Brush


  • 3
  • 10 CLIPPY

用於水下背景等的 Sea Angel 畫筆。Sea Angels 以兩種模式呈現:休息、游泳。 A Sea Angel Brush for underwater backgrounds and such. The Sea Angels are presented in two modes: resting, swimming.

選擇顏色時,請注意顏色 1 代表主體,而顏色 2 代表陰影和器官。在開始繪製之前,請確保已選擇顏色 1。 


要使某些海天使看起來更遠,請減小畫筆大小並增加透明度。對於更近的 sea angels,增加畫筆大小並使其不那麼透明。 

When choosing colors, please note that color 1 will represent the main body whereas color 2 will be the shading and organs. Make sure color 1 is selected before you start drawing. 


To make some sea angels appear further away, decrease brush size and increase transparency. As for closer sea angels, increase brush size and make them less transparent. 


公開日期 : 2 hours ago

更新日期 : 2 hours ago

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Greetings! I’ve taken an interest in creating brushes, so feel free to give some suggestions on what to make! Stay hydrated dear children 🪼🪼🪼